Online Food Delivery Service Satisfaction among University Students during COVID- 19 in Klang Valley, Malaysia.


Online Food Delivery
Food Quality
Perceived Price
Service Quality
Mobile Application User Experience
Social Exchange Theory
Customer Satisfaction


Online food delivery (OFD) is a recent boom in service delivery that is gaining market dominance. In the event of a COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses were forced to close in order to contain the spread of the virus. Movement of control and safety precautions have made it impossible for consumers to dine out and socialise with their friends and family members. As such, many food service businesses have looked into alternative ways to sustain their businesses by participating as a restaurant provider in numerous OFD applications in Malaysia. OFD applications can assist the restaurant and catering industries by allowing customers to order food from the comfort of their own homes. Despite the exponential growth of this industry, customer satisfaction towards OFD was not well understood especially during the pandemic. This paper aims to look into the key factors that influence university student customer satisfaction in OFD. Importantly, this conceptual paper will discuss some key satisfaction factors such as food quality, perceived price, service quality and mobile application user experience that contributes to customer satisfaction towards OFD in Malaysia through the application of Social Exchange Theory (SET). The paper hopes to provide insight into the growth of the OFD business in Malaysia. Thus, the paper will examine the previous literature on the factors and provide a research framework for future empirical research. 

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