The Role of AI in General English and Business English: A Systematic Literature Review of Recent Advancements (2021-2024)


General English
Business English
Information Technology
AI Applications
Language Learning
Educational Practices


The exploration of the application of information technology in the fields of General English
and Business English has emerged as a crucial area of research. This systematic literature
review examined 32 indexed research articles published between 2021 and 2024, focusing on
the application of machine learning, deep learning, ChatGPT, and other algorithms in these
domains. The main aim of this review is to assess the current academic development in the
optimization of General English and Business English learning in the context of AI technology
The findings underscored that the utilization of information technology was minimal in listening.
In contrast, significant and effective applications of deep learning, machine learning, ChatGPT,
and other algorithms were observed in speaking, writing, and translation works. Notably, the
highest level of interest was noted by researchers in China, with Asian researchers accounting
for 91% of the contributions. In contrast, General English exhibited broader applicability,
encompassing a diverse target population. This research ultimately provides valuable insights
for researchers and educators, guiding the development of innovative educational practices in
the context of language learning in the AI era in line with SDG 4 that focusses on Quality



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