In higher education, global partnerships among universities are instrumental in driving innovation, fostering cultural exchange, and nurturing globally conscious graduates. These collaborations support curriculum development and research initiatives that address critical global challenges such as climate change, inequality, and environmental sustainability. However, the increasing reliance on coursework-based assessments within these partnerships presents challenges, particularly in maintaining academic integrity and accommodating diverse learning styles. This conceptual paper explores the interplay between coursework assessments, academic integrity, learning styles, and their combined influence on fostering students’ quality sustainability—their capacity to internalize, apply, and commit to sustainable practices beyond the classroom. Drawing on the VARK model, the paper examines how cultural and individual learning preferences shape the effectiveness of coursework assessments in advancing sustainability principles. It stipulates the importance of authentic and varied assessment strategies to enhance knowledge retention, critical thinking, and ethical behaviour. This research contributes to the discourse on integrating learning styles and assessment practices in global academic partnerships aligned with sustainability goals. It provides actionable insights for educators, administrators, and policymakers to design equitable, impactful, and sustainability-focused curricula that respond to the demands of a rapidly evolving world.
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