Study on Post-Pandemic Psychosocial Competence Characteristics and Employment Needs of College Graduates in Fuzhou, China


Post-pandemic era
college graduates
psychosocial competence
employment needs


The outbreak of COVID-19 had a profound impact on the development of all countries in the world, especially on college graduates. The learning style of college students has significantly changed during the pandemic, and their psychosocial competence and employment needs have also been affected. Through semi-structured interviews with thirty graduates and ten career guidance counselors from colleges in Fuzhou City, China, it was found that the characteristics of college graduates' psychosocial competence in the post-epidemic era mainly include self-cognitive bias, insufficient self-regulation, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and negative social effects. There are three main aspects of college graduates' employment needs in the post-pandemic era: timeliness and effectiveness of information release, employability training, and improved psychosocial competence.



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