Pressure to perform well on various academic reading comprehension tasks is regularly placed on Chinese EFL undergraduates. Academic reading comprehension is associated with reading motivation and strategy use. Nonetheless, there is still a significant lack of research on the relationships among socio-affective strategies (SAS), reading motivation, and reading comprehension, as well as how the former two factors affect the reading comprehension of Chinese EFL undergraduates, which is the research aim of this paper. This study employs a quantitative research method, distributing questionnaires to 150 Chinese EFL undergraduates in a public university in Neimeng, China. The quantitative data was analyzed with the help of the software SPSS 25.0 and Smart PLS 3.4. Results show that Chinese EFL undergraduates obtained medium levels of SAS usage, reading motivation, and reading comprehension. SAS and reading motivation have a significant and mutual relationship. Reading motivation has a significant relationship with reading comprehension. Socio-affective strategies indirectly affect the reading comprehension of Chinese EFL undergraduates, with reading motivation as a full mediator. The study's results provide instructors with suggestions on how to teach SAS in Chinese EFL reading classes effectively and how to modify college English reading curriculum programs to activate university students' reading motivation to read better. The study provides ways to improve reading comprehension levels among Chinese EFL undergraduates, promote college English teaching methods by emphasizing students' reading motivation, and affect the development trend of Chinese college English curriculum reform.
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