This research study was carried out to explore the effects of influencer ambassadorship on consumer purchasing behaviour. Various factors influence influencer ambassadorship; this study focuses on the influencer's expertise, authenticity, and credibility, examining how these aspects impact consumer purchasing behavior in the skincare industry. This research focuses on the perspectives of young adults from the age of 18 to the age of 26. This age group is also known as young adults. This study also focuses on young adults who are active social media users and have in-depth knowledge of the influencer's ambassadorship. The methodology of this study is qualitative, utilizing semi-structured interviews to gather data from respondents. According to the research findings, respondents expressed that an influencer's expertise is essential and effectively affects their purchasing behaviour. As for the influencer's authenticity, respondents stated that it is also important in shaping their purchasing decisions in the skincare industry. Lastly, respondents pointed out that the influencer's credibility is considered a reference when they make their purchasing decisions.
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