This study investigated how ethnic diversity moderates peer feedback dynamics and influences English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing performance in Inner Mongolia's multicultural classrooms. While peer feedback is widely recognized for improving language learning, this research fills a gap by exploring its effectiveness across different ethnic groups, particularly focusing on Han and Mongolian students. Using a quantitative approach, 160 college students were randomly selected with equal representation from both ethnic groups and divided into face-to-face and online feedback modalities. The study hypothesized that ethnic grouping significantly moderates the impact of peer feedback on writing self-efficacy, self-regulation, competence, and classroom experience. Results revealed that both feedback modality and ethnic diversity significantly affected writing outcomes. Online peer feedback particularly enhanced writing competence and self-efficacy for both groups, while ethnic diversity influenced face-to-face feedback's impact on writing self-efficacy and classroom experience. These findings highlight the need for culturally responsive peer feedback strategies to enhance learning outcomes.
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