Exploring Ethnic Moderation in Peer Feedback Dynamics: Impacts on EFL Writing Performance in Inner Mongolia




peer feedback
ethnic diversity
EFL writing performance
cultural responsiveness


This study investigated how ethnic diversity moderates peer feedback dynamics and influences English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing performance in Inner Mongolia's multicultural classrooms. While peer feedback is widely recognized for improving language learning, this research fills a gap by exploring its effectiveness across different ethnic groups, particularly focusing on Han and Mongolian students. Using a quantitative approach, 160 college students were randomly selected with equal representation from both ethnic groups and divided into face-to-face and online feedback modalities. The study hypothesized that ethnic grouping significantly moderates the impact of peer feedback on writing self-efficacy, self-regulation, competence, and classroom experience. Results revealed that both feedback modality and ethnic diversity significantly affected writing outcomes. Online peer feedback particularly enhanced writing competence and self-efficacy for both groups, while ethnic diversity influenced face-to-face feedback's impact on writing self-efficacy and classroom experience. These findings highlight the need for culturally responsive peer feedback strategies to enhance learning outcomes.



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